Izolátor uzemnenia,
kompaktná konštrukcia na zabránenie rušenia signálu a hučiacich slučiek, ktoré sa môžu vyskytnúť, napr. pri pripájaní zvukových kariet alebo prenosných počítačov k zosilňovaču.
- Galvanicky izolované vstupy a výstupy
- 2 RCA samice
- 2 RCA konektory
- Vstupná/výstupná impedancia: 20 kΩ
- Frekvenčný rozsah: 20-30,000 Hz
- THD: < 0.01%
- Prevodový pomer 1:1
- Ø 24 mm x 38 mm, 32 g
- Dĺžka vrátane pripájacieho kábla: cca. 40 cm
www.musicnstuff.de 07/2014
“There are many little helpers available for studio, stage and home stereo systems. With the FGA-40MF, the product range from MONACOR includes a special transformer for unbalanced stereo line signals which is an easy-to-use aid of compact size for the protection against ground loops. And, does it work? Of course, it does. This device prevents any hum noise previously heard when using a standard cable with stereo RCA connectors in both directions. Oh, by the way: in addition to models with RCA plugs and RCA jacks, MONACOR also offers them with plugs only or with mini connectors for computers or MP3 players.”