MDF-24Z | MondeF 4-zone network audio server (Dante®)


MondeF 4-zone network audio server (Dante®)
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Katalógové číslo: 4007754273779 Kategórie: Výrobca:
MondeF 4-zone network audio server (Dante®)
for professionally streaming Dante® audio data. Equipped with 4 Dante® outputs, 8 Dante® inputs. The server is completely pre-configured with MondeF software, drivers and the Audinate Dante® software for use with Dante® audio products.
The installed software includes Internet radio (120 channels max. simultaneously), announcement feature, (programmable) alarms/announcements, scheduling, playlists etc.
Furthermore, the server provides a variety of connection facilities, such as USB (4 x), RJ45 network connection, HDMI™ output and DisplayPort for connecting up to 2 optional monitors or touch screens, thus allowing for a convenient operation of all network components.
MondeF 4-zone network audio server (Dante®)
  • 4 Dante® outputs
  • 8 Dante® inputs
  • Completely pre-configured, including installed software and drivers
  • Mini server, slim design, slimline plastic housing
  • Operating system: Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit version
  • Intel Celeron 3865U processor, 1.8 GHz, Intel HD610 Graphics, supports 2160p/60 Hz
  • Wireless LAN 802.11n, internal antenna
  • Can be mounted as a wall device/desktop device or directly to the rear side of a monitor/touch screen (VESA mount)
  • Supplied with power supply, supporting feet and VESA mount (75/100 mm)
The brand Dante® as well as the Dante® software which may have been integrated into these products are licenced by Audinate Pty Ltd.
Ďalšie informácie
Hmotnosť 1,17 kg
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18.02.2025 o 14:00Tovar u vás: v pondelok 24.02.2025

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