Vysoko kvalitný hi-fi stredový reproduktor, 50 W, 8 Ω
- 100 mm (4″) stredový reproduktor
- Vylepšený model klasického reproduktoru MSH-115,
- špecializovaný na reprodukciu dôležitého stredného rozsahu
- Tlakový kôš a centrovaný pavúk s odvetrávaním zozadu pre minimálnu mechanickú stratu
- Vysokokvalitný papierový kužeľ s nízkou rezonanciou
- Široký a lineárny rozsah žiarenia
- Ideálne sa hodí aj na použitie v malých satelitných systémoch s podporou subwoofera
HOBBY HiFi 01/2013
“Smooth, very fast decay. Impresses with its high-quality workmanship.”
Klang+Ton 02/2013
SPH-10M, MSH-115HQ, RBT-95SR and SAM-2 in the building concept 2DOT1
“A system of appealing design which provides an equally nice sound … the speaker building concept features an amazing adaptability and almost unlimited settings … incredibly suitable for everyday use, is capable of reproducing any kind of music and suitable for home cinema systems. The system provided an absolutely amazing sound when tested in the audio room. The small speakers appeared to reproduce the complete bass range. There was no way of locating the subwoofer. The tactics with the tiles achieved great results … nothing trembles, even though a powerful Basový reproduktor of a high power capability is set-up in the room. The satellites provide an extra light and high-resolution sound.”