OMNI-TRACK/WS | Spottune OMNI TRACK speaker, white


Spottune OMNI TRACK speaker
– wireless 360° speaker for application and …

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Spottune OMNI TRACK speaker
– wireless 360° speaker for application and mounting to 3-phase high-voltage rail lighting systems, installation via a global track adapter.
Instead of being optimised for a frontal listening position as it is the case with standard speakers, the Spottune OMNI TRACK speaker is acoustically designed to provide a homogeneous radiation. The 360° sound radiation is recommended for environments which require a homogeneous sound radiation to create a consistent listening experience throughout the room. This results in an enhanced listening comfort and a consistent, room-filling sound experience.
Compared with standard speaker systems, you also require less speakers for the installation of a speaker system in a PA application, thanks to 360° sound radiation. The Spottune OMNI TRACK speakers are controlled and managed via radio link, using the Spottune network audio streamer STREAM. One Spottune network audio sreamer STREAM is required for each Spottune speaker system which consists of up to 30+ Spottune speakers. Please order this separately.
The easy installation and configuration, as well as the possibility to easily adapt the Spottune speaker system to changing requirements and spatial conditions, make the system the ideal partner for use in commercial areas such as retail trade, restaurants and bars, hotels, offices, etc.
Supplied with the GA 69 global track adapter for mounting on a 3-phase high-voltage rail.
Spottune OMNI TRACK speaker
  • All-in-one smart speaker (built-in amplifier, audio filter and receiver)
  • Easy plug-and-play installation to existing 3-phase rail lighting systems
  • Automatic linking and settings in pairing mode with LED status indication at initial operation via Spottune network audio streamer STREAM
  • Consistent 360° sound radiation for a constantly pleasant sound experience, independent of the position in the room
  • Well-balanced and clear sound at low volume
  • Reliable and stable audio transmission in the frequency range of 1.9 GHz
  • Closed full range speaker system
Supplied w/o lighting rails.
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