PANGOLIN-SET | Show laser control software


Show laser control software
  • High-performance PC software for laser shows (Pangolin QuickShow 4.0), allows live…
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Katalógové číslo: 4007754243031 Kategórie: Značka: Výrobca:
Show laser control software
  • High-performance PC software for laser shows (Pangolin QuickShow 4.0), allows live control, to create graphics and to program a show
  • Impressive laser shows with QuickShow 4.0 FB3/QS for discotheques, bars, clubs, events and concerts
  • Professional results within minutes thanks to an intuitive user surface
  • Up to 9 ILDA show lasers can be operated with each interface (fed-through)
  • One interface will be required for each different setup or version of a show laser
  • Multilingual version with USB Flashback 3 ILDA interface
  • Includes more than 2,000 beam effects, texts, animations, graphics and more
  • Different plug-in tools, e.g. QuickText, QuickShape, QuickTrace, QuickTargets, QuickTimeline and QuickDMX
  • Integrated Pangolin ICloud
  • Different display modes possible: single cue, multiple cues, cue sequences and timeline-based programming
  • High-quality images thanks to integrated beyond calculation engine
  • Creating and editing cues on the screen before showing them to the audience
  • Import and direct output of GIF, JPG and BMP files
  • Sound-to-laser function for music-controlled laser output
  • Virtual laser jockey
  • BPM synchronisation possible with virtual DJ
  • Full support of Akai APC mini
  • Timeline with unlimited tracks
  • Supports DMX512 input and DMX512 output
  • Control possible via mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, MIDI controller and DMX control panel
  • No dongles: licence is directly linked with the output interface
  • Latest version of the program thanks to free software updates
  • Recommended hardware: laptop or desktop PC with dual processor, 2 GB RAM and Windows* XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit or 64-bit version)
  • Recommended for show laser: analogue modulation, 40 kpps scan speed with ILDA 8 degrees
  • Software download and activation via manufacturers website
Ďalšie informácie
Hmotnosť 0,38 kg

Vlastnosť Hodnota
Popis show laser control software
Name Pangolin QuickShow
Verzia 3.0
No. of licences 1
Architecture 32-bit or 64-bit
Veľkosť 250 MB
Language multilingual
Operating system Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Min. system requirements PC with dual processor, 2 GB RAM
Data storage device download only
Update option yes, free of charge
Dongle nie
Hmotnosť 0.17 kg
Ďalšie funkcie incl. USB Flashback 3 ILDA interface
Dodanie a doprava

Zber objednávok

Zber objednávok sa uzatvára každý utorok do 14:00. Tieto objednávky sú odosielané vo štvrtok, prípadne v piatok. Objednávky prijaté po 14:00 budú pravdepodobne doručené až na budúci týždeň v piatok.

Príklad1: objednávate v pondelok 1. mája - tovar obdržíte v piatok 5. mája
Príklad 2: objednávate v stredu 3. mája - tovar obdržíte nasledujúci týždeň v piatok 12. mája

28.01.2025 o 14:00Tovar u vás: v pondelok 03.02.2025

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Tovar odosielame väčšinou vo štvrtok, a v piatok by vám mal byť doručený kuriérom SPS.