s integrovanou výhybkou a limitérom.
- LCD displej pre zobrazenie teploty, operačného režimu, funkciou ochrany
- Interná výhybka: 120Hz, 24dB/oct., prepínateľný režim: subwoofer, full range alebo satelity
- 3 operačné módy (stereo, paralelne alebo v premostení)
- Teplotne ovládané ventilátory
- 2 ovládače úrovne
- Funkcia Ground lift (uzemnenie)
- Oneskorené zapínanie reproduktorov (delay)
- Ochranný obvod s indikáciou LED – ochrana proti skratu, prehriatiu a stálemu napätiu na výstupoch
- LED kontrolky pre indikáciu operačného napätia, úrovne a limitéru pre každý kanál
- STA-1400, STA-1000 a STA-600 sú dodávané s 3-pin IEC zástrčkami a vhodnými sieťovými káblami.
Beat 01/2012
“Two MEGA-112 as top parts as well as one MEGA-118SUB were brought to the test. We used the power amplifiers STA-600 and STA-1400 for the top parts in bi-amping and the STA-1000 for the bass reproduction. For the functional control, we applied the digital speaker management DSM-260. The units were tested in a small factory building … it featured many windows, a concrete floor and several tiled surfaces, allowing the high frequencies to show no mercy … however, with the precise equalizers of the DSM-260, we were able to tame these very quickly … the unit allows to optimise the sound quickly and intuitively … we turned the volume up and achieved an impressive performance. The subwoofer is very stable and provides a really powerful sound. The MEGA-112 impresses by a really well-balanced sound. Full and dynamic dance music with a really great sound can thus be achieved. This PA system is able to easily provide a professional sound for 400 guests, even for the more sophisticated listener. Thumbs up. The selected PA combination is very suitable for everyone performing at temporary locations.”