TALKSAFE-1 | Intercom system, Bluetooth, with 1 system microphone station and 1 headset


Safe and clear communication despite protective screens, acrylic glass panels, splash guards and hy…

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Katalógové číslo: 4007754276237 Kategórie:
Safe and clear communication despite protective screens, acrylic glass panels, splash guards and hygiene walls
Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, screens made of safety glass or acrylic glass equally protect staff, patients and customers.
The TALKSAFE-1 ensures clear and intelligible communication at checkouts, information desks, etc. despite safety distance, hygiene walls and face masks.
The TALKSAFE-1 is a safe, hygienic and flexible solution which is particularly suitable for acrylic walls and acrylic cubicles at pharmacies, doctors surgeries, shops and supermarkets as well as for visitor boxes in retirement homes. Thus, facilitating consultation and communication.
kit consists of:
  • 1 x microphone station for customers
  • 1 x on-ear headset for staff (Bluetooth)
  • 1 x power supply
  • Incl. required cables
  • Incl. double-sided adhesive tape
The TALKSAFE-1 can very easily be integrated into your environment and workflows:
  • Non-contact: infrared sensors detect if a person is standing in front of the device
  • Retrofitting: no integration into existing systems or networks required
  • Hygiene: device can easily be cleaned with a surface cleaner
  • POS: ideally suited for highly frequented areas
  • No extensive staff training required
Additional on-ear headset with the item number TALKSAFE-HS is available at option.
Dodanie a doprava

Zber objednávok

Zber objednávok sa uzatvára každý utorok do 14:00. Tieto objednávky sú odosielané vo štvrtok, prípadne v piatok. Objednávky prijaté po 14:00 budú pravdepodobne doručené až na budúci týždeň v piatok.

Príklad1: objednávate v pondelok 1. mája - tovar obdržíte v piatok 5. mája
Príklad 2: objednávate v stredu 3. mája - tovar obdržíte nasledujúci týždeň v piatok 12. mája

28.01.2025 o 14:00Tovar u vás: v pondelok 03.02.2025

Doručenie tovaru

Tovar odosielame väčšinou vo štvrtok, a v piatok by vám mal byť doručený kuriérom SPS.