WDC-903M | Digital wireless conference system with Dante® connection

Digital wireless conference system,
with Dante® c…

Informujte ma, keď bude produkt opäť v ponuke

Katalógové číslo: 4007754426601 Kategórie: Výrobca:
Digital wireless conference system,
with Dante® connection.
  • For local government departments, business meeting rooms, business premises and international conference centres
  • Professional design, perfect circuit setup and reliable functional characteristics
  • Can be combined with automatic motion tracking system VTS-2000
  • LoRa protocol with low latency for two-way communication
  • With interference protection, which sufficiently suppresses interferences caused by computers, mobile phones and wireless Bluetooth devices nearby
  • Carrier frequency: 522-554 MHz
  • Sampling rate: 48 kHz/24 bits
  • Operating range: up to 80 m
  • 482 mm (19″) rack installation, 1 RU
The brand Dante® as well as the Dante® software which may have been integrated into these products are licenced by Audinate Pty Ltd.
There are restrictions or requirements within the EU!
Please read the notes regarding wireless systems in the section “IMPORTANT INFORMATION”!
Ďalšie informácie
Hmotnosť 0,00 kg


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Zber objednávok sa uzatvára každý utorok do 14:00. Tieto objednávky sú odosielané vo štvrtok, prípadne v piatok. Objednávky prijaté po 14:00 budú pravdepodobne doručené až na budúci týždeň v piatok.

Príklad1: objednávate v pondelok 1. mája - tovar obdržíte v piatok 5. mája
Príklad 2: objednávate v stredu 3. mája - tovar obdržíte nasledujúci týždeň v piatok 12. mája

28.01.2025 o 14:00Tovar u vás: v pondelok 03.02.2025

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