PA stredovýškový horn
- ABS plastu
- Pripojenie vodiča pomocou štandardného závitu 35 mm (1⅜”)
- Konzistentné žiarenie
- Odporúčaná frekvencia: 1.5 kHz
- Môže byť namontovaný otočený o 90°
Klang+Ton 02/2018
“The natural sound of the speaker (speaker building concept Monolith of Klang+Ton) is kept up to levels which can simply not be reached with standard hi-fi speaker systems, not even with full-fledged floor-standing speaker systems. Thus, a rock concert with original volume levels is just as much fun as a classical concert virtually in the middle of an orchestra. (Speaker building concept Monolith with TF-1525, TF-0420MR, CDX1-1010 and MRH-170).”